School Plans and Reports
School Plans and Reports
Annual School Plan
學校發展津貼計劃 Capacity Enhancement Grant
校本課後學習支援津貼計畫 School-based After-school Learning and Support Programm
多元學習津貼計畫 Diversity Learning Grant
Grant for the Sister School Scheme
推廣閱讀津貼計劃 Grant for the Sister School Scheme
全方位學習津貼計劃 Life-wide Learning Grant
公民與社會發展科一筆過津貼計劃 One-off Grant for Supporting the Implementation of the Senior Secondary Subject Citizenship and Social Development
推廣中華文化體驗活動一筆過津貼計劃 2024-25
校園.好精神一筆過津貼計劃 2024-25
家長學生.好精神一筆過津貼計劃 2024-25
支援學校推動校園體育氛圍及「MVPA60」一筆過津貼計劃 2024-25 周年校務計畫
Annual School Plan
學校發展津貼計劃 Capacity Enhancement Grant
校本課後學習支援津貼計畫 School-based After-school Learning and Support Programm
多元學習津貼計畫 Diversity Learning Grant
姊妹學校計劃 Grant for the Sister School Scheme
推廣閱讀津貼計劃 Grant for the Sister School Scheme
全方位學習津貼計劃 Life-wide Learning Grant
公民與社會發展科一筆過津貼計劃 One-off Grant for Supporting the Implementation of the Senior Secondary Subject Citizenship and Social Development
學校發展津貼計劃 Capacity Enhancement Grant
校本課後學習支援津貼計畫 School-based After-school Learning and Support Programm
多元學習津貼計畫 Diversity Learning Grant
姊妹學校計劃 Grant for the Sister School Scheme
推廣閱讀津貼計劃 Grant for the Sister School Scheme
全方位學習津貼計劃 Life-wide Learning Grant
公民與社會發展科一筆過津貼計劃 One-off Grant for Supporting the Implementation of the Senior Secondary Subject Citizenship and Social Development
Annual School Plan
學校發展津貼計劃 Capacity Enhancement Grant
校本課後學習支援津貼計畫 School-based After-school Learning and Support Programm
多元學習津貼計畫 Diversity Learning Grant
Grant for the Sister School Scheme
推廣閱讀津貼計劃 Grant for the Sister School Scheme
全方位學習津貼計劃 Life-wide Learning Grant
公民與社會發展科一筆過津貼計劃 One-off Grant for Supporting the Implementation of the Senior Secondary Subject Citizenship and Social Development